Wednesday, December 28, 2016

TCP/UDP Protocols/Prots & important port numbers in Linux OS

TCP/UDP Protocols/Ports are ranging from 0-65535 so total we have 65536 ports & because of the limitation in TCP/IP stack where the port number field is just 16-bit (unsigned integer) size. So we have only 2^16(2 to the power of 16) ports which are equal to 65536 ports

Port "Software Port" is piece of software which is used as docking point in your machine, where remote application can interact/communicate. "Hardware Port" is a physical peripheral connecting point to a machine from a physical device. "Socket" is combination of software Port and IP address.

Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on following three ranges:

System Ports/Well known Ports (0-1023)
User Ports (1024-49151)
and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports (49152-65535)

some important default port numbers:
TCP===6  (TCP has it's own port number in TCP/IP stack)

UDP===17 (UDP has it's own port number in TCP/IP stack)
ftp data transfer====20 (For transferring FTP data)
ftp data control(command)=====21  (For starting FTP connection)
bootp(dhcp server)===67
dhcp client===68
X11===6000-6063 (X11 use 6000 to 6063 ports for connecting X11 from remote server)

You can see all the port information from /etc/services file in Linux

Below is the process about How to check that what services running on specific port with particular PID and How to kill that (Note: you must have root access to run lsof & fuser super user command )

I hope this would give more & exact idea about ports,process(PID/PPID) & protocols(TCP/UDP) as per Operating System (OS) perspective.

As a normal user you can run netstat command & find out your query output as per below screenshots (consider this just as an example for you guys)

lsof - list open files (lsof is a command meaning "list open files", which is used in many Unix-like systems to report a list of all open files and the processes that opened them.)

lsof examples:
To view the port associated with a daemon:

# lsof -i -n -P | grep sendmail
sendmail  31649    root    4u  IPv4 521738       TCP *:25 (LISTEN)

# lsof -i -n -P -U | grep -i sshd
sshd       2421      root    3u  IPv4              12545      0t0    TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd       2421      root    4u  IPv6              12547      0t0    TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd      10935      root    3u  IPv4              39787      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      10935      root    4u  unix 0xffff88008aab79c0      0t0  39843 socket
sshd      10935      root    5u  unix 0xffff88008a967080      0t0  39850 socket
sshd      31805      root    3u  IPv4             188908      0t0    TCP> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      31805      root    4u  unix 0xffff880107cbfcc0      0t0 189152 socket
sshd      31805      root    5u  unix 0xffff880099aa8cc0      0t0 189158 socket

From the above one can see that "sendmail" is listening on its standard port of "25" and "sshd" is listening on its standard port of "22"

    * -i Lists IP sockets.
    * -n Do not resolve hostnames (no DNS).
    * -P Do not resolve port names (list port number instead of its name).
    * -U This option selects the listing of UNIX domain socket files.

fuser - identify processes using files or sockets (fuser displays the PIDs of processes using the specified files or file systems.)

fuser examples:
# fuser -v -n tcp 80
                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
80/tcp:              root       2797 F.... httpd
                     apache    17090 F.... httpd
                     apache    17091 F.... httpd
                     apache    17092 F.... httpd
                     apache    17093 F.... httpd
                     apache    17094 F.... httpd
                     apache    17095 F.... httpd
                     apache    17096 F.... httpd
                     apache    17097 F.... httpd
                     apache    17098 F.... httpd
# fuser -v -n tcp 8080
                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
8080/tcp:            tomcat     2743 F.... java

#fuser -anu tcp 80
80/tcp:               2797(root) 17090(apache) 17091(apache) 17092(apache) 17093(apache) 17094(apache) 17095(apache) 17096(apache) 17097(apache) 17098(apache)

# fuser -anu tcp 8080
8080/tcp:             2743(tomcat)


* -k kills all process accessing a file. For example fuser -k /path/to/your/filename kills all processes accessing this directory without confirmation. Use -i for confirmation

* -i interactive mode. Prompt before killing process

* -v verbose.

* -u append username

* -a display all files

ss "socket statistics" command:
ss command is used to show socket statistics

ss -l ===> to display all open network ports
ss- s ===>to List currently established, closed, orphaned and waiting TCP sockets
ss -pl ===> to see process named using open socket
ss -pl | grep 3306 ===> to figureout who is responsible for opening socket/port # 3306
ss -t -a ==> To display all TCP sockets/ports
ss -u -a ==> To display all UDP sockets/ports

Please refer URL to get more details regarding ss utility in Linux

ps - Displays The Processes

ps command will report a snapshot of the current processes. To select all processes use the -A or -e(entire) option:
Print All Process On The Server
# ps -A
# ps axu
#ps -ef

See Every Process Running As User John
# ps -U john -u john u

Few more commands as an example: (normal user can run below bold commands)

lsof -i:443
netstat -nlp
netstat -anlp
lsof -i | grep apache
lsof -i | grep root
lsof -i | grep 8080
lsof -i | grep -i listen
netstat -lp
netstat -anlp
lsof -i | grep -i listen
lsof -i | grep root
fuser -n tcp 8080
netstat -anpl | grep -i 8080
netstat -anp | grep -i 8080
lsof -i tcp:80
lsof -i:80
lsof -i udp:80
lsof -i udp
lsof -i tcp

about Network File System (NFS) "HARD" or "SOFT" mount in Linux OR why HARD mount is recommended for NFS in Linux

Network File System (NFS)

Hard Mount (Recommended)
If you have mounted the NFS filesystem using hard mount, it will repeatedly retry to contact the server. Once the server is back online the program will continue to execute undisturbed from the state where it was during server crash. We can use the mount option “intr” which allows NFS requests to be interrupted if the server goes down or cannot be reached. Hence the recommended settings are hard and intr options.

mount -o rw,hard,intr /nfs_share1

entry in fstab:
netapp01z:/vol/example_share  /opt/example  nfs  _netdev,vers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,hard,intr,retry=20,bg 0 0

Soft Mount (Not Recommended)
Suppose you have mounted a NFS filesystem using “soft mount” . When a program or application requests a file from the NFS filesystem, NFS client daemons will try to retrieve the data from the NFS server. But, if it doesn’t get any response from the NFS server (due to any crash or failure of NFS server), the NFS client will report an error to the process on the client machine requesting the file access. The advantage of this mechanism is “fast responsiveness” as it doesn’t wait for the NFS server to respond. But, the main disadvantage of this method is data corruption or loss of data. So, this is not a recommended option to use.

mount -o rw,soft /nfs_share1

hard or soft — Specifies whether the program using a file via an NFS connection should stop and wait (hard) for the server to come back online, if the host serving the exported file system is unavailable, or if it should report an error (soft).

If hard is specified, the user cannot terminate the process waiting for the NFS communication to resume unless the intr option is also specified.

If soft is specified, the user can set an additional timeo=<value> option, where <value> specifies the number of seconds to pass before the error is reported.

Using soft mounts is not recommended as they can generate I/O errors in very congested networks or when using a very busy server.
intr — Allows NFS requests to be interrupted if the server goes down or cannot be reached.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Editors in Linux

Editors in Linux

GUI Editors

CUI/TUI Editors
Vi (default Unix/Linux editor)
ed/ex ==> line-oriented text editors

There are three modes:
command Mode
Insert Mode
Execution Mode

command mode:
yy ==> to copy the line
p ==> to paste the line
"n"yy ==> to copy "n" number of lines
dd ==> to delete the line
"n" dd ==> to delete "n" number of lines
x ==> to delete the character
dw ==> to delete the word
u ==> undo
ctrl + r ==> redo
shift + r ==> replace
shift + j ==> joining the lines
/<word> ==> search for a word

Insert Mode:
i ==> for insert mode

Execution Mode:
:e! ==> reedit
:w ==> write the file (save)
:q ==> quit without saving the file
:wq ==> write the file (save) & quit the file
:wq! ==> forcefully write the file (save) & quit the file
:w! ==> forcefully write the file
:q! ==> quit forcefully  
:set nu ==> to show line numbers
:set nonu ==> to show all lines without line numbers
:85 ==> go to line number 85 (:n)

for find & replace
:1,$s/redhat(old string)/rhce(new string)/g (global expression)
:1,15d ==> deleting from line 1 to 15
:1,%d ==> deleting the entire buffer
:1,$d ==> deleting the entire buffer
:n ==> next file
:rew ==> previous (rewinding) file
:w /appl/mynewfile ==> save the file with different location with different name

you can get more details about vi editor from below utility in Linux:
#man vi

How to resolve Yum rpmdb: PANIC issue in Linux

How to resolve Yum rpmdb: PANIC issue in Linux

[root@Server1 etc]# yum clean all

rpmdb: PANIC: fatal region error detected; run recovery
error: db3 error(-30974) from dbenv->open: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - (-30974)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm

To resolve this issue you can remove the yum databases and then rebuild them

Login as root
#cd /var/lib/rpm
#rm __db*
#rpm --rebuilddb

Thursday, February 4, 2016

SSH access to root user in Linux

SSH access to root user in Linux
Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
Change PermitRootLogin, PasswordAuthentication, ChallengeResponseAuthentication to yes and AuthorizedKeysFile     /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.
then restart ssh daemon
/etc/init.d/sshd restart
chkconfig sshd on

[root@instance-1centos67 yogeshanuvadia]# egrep -i "PermitRootLogin|PasswordAuthentication|ChallengeResponseAuthentication" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile     /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Friday, June 26, 2015

How to execute/run a command from remote server in Linux/Unix

How to execute/run a command from remote server in Linux/Unix

ssh username_of_remote_server@remote_hostname/remote_hostipaddr -- <Command to execute on remote server>

ssh root@ -- /sbin/ifconfig -a

How to display/list only folders/directories or only files in Linux/Unix (List all the zombie process & how to create alias)

Display/List only folders/directories or only files in Linux/Unix

1) Display or list all directories in current location in Linux/Unix

Type the following command:

ls -ld */

ls -l | grep '^d'

ls -l | egrep '^d'

Display or list the hidden folder at current location, type the following command:

ls -ld .*/

ls -la | grep '^d'

ls -la | egrep '^d'

This command lists directories in the current path/folder: ls -d */

*/ is a pattern that matches all of the subfolders in the current folder (* would match all files and subfolders; the / restricts it to folders/directories). for e.g. to list all subfolders under /home/yogesh/, use ls -d /home/yogesh/*/

2) Display or list all files in current location in Linux/Unix

ls -l | grep -v '^d'

ls -l | egrep -v '^d'

ls -la | egrep -v '^d'

3) List all the directories at 1 Level depth in /etc including hidden folders with find command:

find /etc -maxdepth 1 -type d

4) You Can use find command to list either files or folders/directories:

The find command can be used as follows to list all directories in /etc

find /etc -type d

find /etc -type d -ls

find . -type d -ls

5) To list/see the zombie/defunct process in Linux/Unix:

pf -ef | grep -i defunct

ps -elf | grep -w Z

6) How to create alias to save the time:

alias lf="ls -ls | egrep -v '^d'"

alias ldir="ls -l | egrep '^d'"

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How to Configure DNS Server on RHEL/CentOS 5

DNS Server Configuration on RHEL/CentOS 5
DNS Port:53
DNSSEC Port:953

DNS Script:    /etc/named.conf
DNS Database Files:    /var/named/chroot/var/named/

rpm -qa bind*        (looking for rpm “bind”,” bind-utils”, “bind-devel”, “bind-libs”, “bind-chroot”)
rpm -qa caching*    (looking for rpm “caching-nameserver”)

if above rpm/packages are not available then install all above rpms via YUM
cd /var/named/chroot/etc
cp -p named.caching-nameserver.conf named.conf
ln -s named.conf /etc/named.conf
vi /etc/named.conf
    listen-on port 53 {; };
    allow-query {; };
vi /etc/
zone "" IN {
    type master;
    file "";
zone "" IN {
    type master;
    file ""
cd /var/named/chroot/var/named
cp -p
cp -p named.local
vi /var/named/chroot/var/named/
@     IN SOA root  (====)
    IN NS
server1        IN A
station1    IN A
station2    IN A
station3    IN A
station4    IN A
vi /var/named/chroot/var/named/
@     IN SOA root. (====)
15    IN PTR
16    IN PTR
17    IN PTR
18    IN PTR
19    IN PTR
vi /etc/hosts  server1  localhost.localdomain  server1  localhost.localdomain 
vi /etc/resolv.conf
server named restart
chkconfig named on
#dig    (forward lookup)
#dig -x        (reverse lookup)
Debugging Tools for DNS Server
#named-checkconf  /etc/named.conf        (if it provide next prompt then all is OK)
#named-checkzone    (it must show OK)
#named-checkzone    (it must show OK)

How to Increase Swap Memory in Linux OS

LinuxServer1 & LinuxServer2

swapoff -av /dev/vg00/swapvol

swapon -s

lvresize /dev/vg00/swapvol -L 32G

mkswap /dev/vg00/swapvol

swapon -va

free -tg

bash-3.2# hostname
bash-3.2# swapoff -av /dev/vg00/swapvol
swapoff on /dev/vg00/swapvol
swapoff on /dev/vg00/swapvol
bash-3.2# swapon -s
bash-3.2# lvresize /dev/vg00/swapvol -L 32G
  Extending logical volume swapvol to 32.00 GB
  Logical volume swapvol successfully resized
bash-3.2# mkswap /dev/vg00/swapvol
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 34359734 kB
bash-3.2# swapon -va
swapon on /dev/vg00/swapvol
bash-3.2# swapon -s
Filename                                Type            Size    Used    Priority
/dev/mapper/vg00-swapvol                partition       33554424        0       -2
bash-3.2# free -tg
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           251          1        249          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:          0        251
Swap:           31          0         31
Total:         283          1        281
bash-3.2# free -tm
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        257565       1694     255870          0        245        956
-/+ buffers/cache:        493     257071
Swap:        32767          0      32767
Total:      290333       1694     288638
bash-3.2# swapoff -av /dev/vg00/swapvol
swapoff on /dev/vg00/swapvol
swapoff on /dev/vg00/swapvol
bash-3.2# swapon -s
bash-3.2# lvresize /dev/vg00/swapvol -L 4G
  /dev/hda: open failed: No medium found
  Extending logical volume swapvol to 4.00 GB
  Logical volume swapvol successfully resized
bash-3.2# mkswap /dev/vg00/swapvol
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 4294963 kB
bash-3.2# swapon -va
swapon on /dev/vg00/swapvol
bash-3.2# free -tg
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:             3          3          0          0          0          2
-/+ buffers/cache:          0          2
Swap:            3          0          3
Total:           7          3          4
bash-3.2# free -tm
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3775       3753         21          0        146       2672
-/+ buffers/cache:        933       2841
Swap:         4095          0       4095
Total:        7871       3753       4117

HP Integrated Lights-Out 3 Virtual Power Button

  • Momentary Press button provides behavior identical to pressing the physical power button.
  • Press and Hold is identical to pressing the physical power button for five seconds and then releasing it. This option provides the ACPI-compatible functionality that is implemented by some operating systems. These operating systems behave differently depending upon a short press or long press. The behavior of this option might circumvent any graceful shutdown features of the operating system.
  • Cold Boot of the system immediately removes power from the system. The system will restart after approximately six seconds. This option is not available when the server is powered down. This option circumvents graceful operating system shutdown features.
  • Reset System initiates a system reset. This option is not available when the server is powered down. The behavior of this option might circumvent any graceful shutdown features of the operating system. 

How to protect a directory in Apache on Linux

Set Apache Password Protected Directories With .htaccess File

There are many ways you can password protect directories under Apache web server. This is important to keep your file privates from both unauthorized users and search engines .Here you will see the basics of password protecting a directory on your server. You can use any one of the following method:
  1. Putting authentication directives in a <Directory> section, in your main server configuration httpd.conf file, is the preferred way to implement this kind of authentication.
  2. If you do not have access to Apache httpd.conf file (for example shared hosting) then with the help of file called .htaccess you can create password protect directories. .htaccess file provide a way to make configuration changes on a per-directory basis.
In order to create apache password protected directories you need:
  • Password file
  • And Directory name which you would like to password protect (/var/www/docs)

Step # 1: Make sure Apache is configured to use .htaccess file

You need to have AllowOverride AuthConfig directive in httpd.conf file in order for these directives to have any effect. Look for DocumentRoot Directory entry. In this example, our DocumentRoot directory is set to /var/www. Therefore, my entry in httpd.conf looks like as follows:
<Directory /var/www>
Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Save the file and restart Apache
If you are using Red Hat /Fedora Linux:

# service httpd restart
If you are using Debian Linux:
# /etc/init.d/apache-perl restart

Step # 2: Create a password file with htpasswd

htpasswd command is used to create and update the flat-files (text file) used to store usernames and password for basic authentication of Apache users. General syntax:
htpasswd -c password-file username

  • -c : Create the password-file. If password-file already exists, it is rewritten and truncated.
  • username : The username to create or update in password-file. If username does not exist in this file, an entry is added. If it does exist, the password is changed.
Create directory outside apache document root, so that only Apache can access password file. The password-file should be placed somewhere not accessible from the web. This is so that people cannot download the password file:
# mkdir -p /home/secure/
Add new user called testuser
# htpasswd -c /home/secure/apasswords testuser
Make sure /home/secure/apasswords file is readable by Apache web server. If Apache cannot read your password file, it will not authenticate you. You need to setup a correct permission using chown command. Usually apache use www-data user. Use the following command to find out Apache username. If you are using Debian Linux use pache2.conf, type the following command:
# grep -e '^User' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Now allow apache user www-data to read our password file:
# chown www-data:www-data /home/secure/apasswords
# chmod 0660 /home/secure/apasswords
If you are using RedHat and Fedora core, type the following commands :
# grep -e '^User' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Now allow apache user apache to read our password file:
# chown apache:apache /home/secure/apasswords
# chmod 0660 /home/secure/apasswords
Now our user testuser is added but you need to configure the Apache web server to request a password and tell the server which users are allowed access. Let us assume you have directory called /var/www/docs and you would like to protect it with a password.
Create a directory /var/www/docs if it does not exist:
# mkdir -p /var/www/docs
Create .htaccess file using text editor:
# cd /var/www/docs
# vi .htaccess
Add following text:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Access"
AuthUserFile /home/secure/apasswords
Require user testuser
Save file and exit to shell prompt.

Step # 3: Test your configuration

Fire your browser type url or http://localhost/docs/ or http://ip-address/docs

When prompted for username and password please supply username testuser and password. You can add following lines to any file <Diretory> entry in httpd.conf file:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Access"
AuthUserFile /home/secure/apasswords
Require user testuser
To change or setup new user use htpasswd command again.


If password is not accepted or if you want to troubleshoot authentication related problems, open and see apache access.log/error.log files:
Fedora Core/CentOS/RHEL Linux log file location:
# tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log
# tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log

Debian Linux Apache 2 log file location:
# tailf -f /var/log/apache2/access.log
# tailf -f /var/log/apache2/error.log

TCP/UDP Protocols/Prots & important port numbers in Linux OS

TCP/UDP Protocols/Ports are ranging from 0-65535 so total we have 65536 ports & because of the limitation in TCP/IP stack where the por...