Thursday, December 11, 2014

Menu Driven Program in Bash Shell Script

Menu Driven Program in Bash Shell Script
while :
echo " M A I N - M E N U"
echo "1. Contents of /etc/passwd"
echo "2. List of users currently logged"
echo "3. Present handling directory"
echo "4. Exit"

echo -n "Please enter option [1 - 4]"

read opt

case $opt in

1) echo "************ Conents of /etc/passwd *************";

more /etc/passwd;;

2) echo "*********** List of users currently logged";

who |less;;

3) echo "You are in $(pwd) directory";

echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";

read enterKey;;

4) echo "Bye $USER";

exit 1;;

*) echo "$opt is an invaild option. Please select option between 1-4 only";

echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";

read enterKey;;


 M A I N - M E N U
1. Contents of /etc/passwd
2. List of users currently logged
3. Prsent handling directory
4. Exit
Please enter option [1 - 4]

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